Made popular by Garth Brooks, written by Bob Dylan. I am blessed to have Chris Leuzinger (Garth's guitarist) on this recording.
Goodbye Darling was written by my dad Lee Morris. Music arrangement Lee Morris and Vicki Lynn Maxwell. I have recently recorded this song hopefully trying to have it finished before my dad passed in 2020. Although we did not finish due to Covid, Daddy and I had always played and sang this song at writer events. It was always a crowd favorite. I hope he likes it from Heaven.
Interview with Irlene Mandrell.
I have had the best time in the creating of my newest CD "Butterfly" With Long time friends of the best of the best studio musicians in Nashville. Times and appointed times and songs that you just cant make up! I am Blessed and will always have these memories close to my heart during difficult times in 2020. After transformation its only the beginning. A time to fly. I hope you enjoy this song.
New Single Release Open Door!
From my Butterfly Cd.