Please Don't Take Me was written through personal and real life experiences on the topic of Abortion. We pray that this message of Pro-Life would be heard and seen through the eyes of an unborn child from the womb. This song and video is dedicated to all the unborn children in the world for generations to come. An everlasting prayer to save what should not have been lost.
Written by Vicki Lynn Maxwell and Donald F. Perkins
Music Arrangement by Ray Shavers and Vicki Lynn Maxwell
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Vicki's Testimony of Life Choices concerning abortion will bring you into a closer understanding of the consequences internally conditioning your heart to everything it's not suppose to be. There is hope, transformation and healing through Jesus. Be that Generation who chooses Life.
Interview with Irlene Mandrell.